Thursday, April 15, 2010

Idiot conversation of the day

NONNY: So then you're leaving a week from yesterday?
ME: No, a week from Wednesday. Two days ago.
NONNY: But today is Thursday.
ME: No, today is Friday.
NONNY: Halley, it's Thursday.
ME: It's Friday!
(Insert a few more rounds of this back and forth and the reasons why it must be a certain day.)
ME: Omigod! It's Thursday!

I've been thinking it was Friday. All day long.
It is so nice to have an extra day.

This is why I should wear a watch - the kind that tells time and place and day and date and air pressure and friendly reminders. This is also the reason I meticulously keep a day planner in book form, so I can see whole weeks out in front of me. Usually, it's helpful. Usually.


  1. to where are you going?

  2. Ah, right, yes- Amsterdam.
    For a conference and for some deep, cleansing breaths...


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