Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pot? This is the kettle calling.

My sister claims I take too many days to celebrate my birthday. In fact, I think it's fair to claim birthday privileges the week before and the week after my birthday. I think it's fair others do so, as well.

For benefits, take the following scenario:

MEAN PERSON: Eat something healthy for lunch!
ME: No! It's my birthday!
MEAN PERSON: Your birthday isn't until Tuesday.
ME: It's my birthday! Now get away from my lunch cake.

Or this likely event:

MEAN PERSON: Pajama pants are not an appropriate wardrobe choice!
ME: It's my birthday!
MEAN PERSON: No, it's not, but you've been in your pajamas since your birthday three days ago!

Two things you may notice - first, that  Mean Person loooves exclamation points. (As do I!) Second, that while birthday rules are always allowed, they may not always be advised. Third, apparently I turn into a six-year-old around by birthday. Fourth, I never know how many points I'm about to make.

As it happened, my sister managed to stretch her birthday this year TEN days past the actual date - Ten! - to her party yesterday. But because she is old and probably has trouble remembering how to count, I will let it slide. And because she's awesome.

But I never want to hear how I take too long on birthday privileges ever again.
Happy birthday, Lisa!

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