One of my favorite things about DC is that we get a bunch of different PBS stations from around the region. And I watch it because it has stuff I like. And that's it.
I pretty much watch all its types of programs, minus children's programming. Some of my more recent favorites? History Detectives and Nova Science Now, with Neil deGrasse Tyson, and I'm watching more Independent Lens, too.
And all content isn't the same.
I wouldn't argue that the only thing good on TV is PBS or all bad things are on MTV. I mean, I really do love PBS - the music stuff, the documentaries, local DC arts stuff, the history stuff, the BritComs, the home improvement shows. But I also love some crap found elsewhere. And good stuff found elsewhere. And everything in between.
Saying you don't like TV is like saying you don't like food: you have to be more specific than just the general category for the statement to actually mean anything.
I come up with lots of random facts. People ask fairly regularly, "How do you know that?!" Usually? It's because I watch a lot of TV.
I agree on television. I came to this conclusion a couple of years ago, and I have really enjoyed watching television for the most part since. However, I suppose I grew up in the era of too much television, and I still find myself addicted to it, drawn in by its easy allure. Television in and of itself is not bad. In fact, it's just a take it or leave it thing like anything else. Unfortunately, for many in our generation, it is much easier to take.