Monday, August 9, 2010

Overheard in the elevator

[Doors close.]
Ohmigod, I can't believe I did that.
That was so dumb.
Why are you talking to yourself?
Out loud.
You should stop.
Because you're still doing it.
Even though you know you're doing it.
No more.
Wow. I'm nuts.
[BING! Doors open.]

 (Photo: Robert Frank)
I was the one talking to myself, out loud, and commenting on the fact that I was doing it. Out loud. Life gets a little meta sometimes 'round these here parts. Or perhaps the word is just crazy.
I would say I worry about my sanity, but I've been doing this for years and the fact that it hasn't gotten any worse probably means that I have just as many filters in place as I did when I would do this, say, ten years ago. Hopefully, I also have slightly better judgment, too, but I wouldn't put too much money on that.

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