Friday, February 12, 2010

Waiting for the intermissions in this one mass snow storm we're calling "Winter"

A friend inquired if I'd been out to see that the roads were passable again after all the snow. I responded, I know. It's crazy.

The world is new again.
Or at least it will be after all this damn snow melts.
And then all the mud and pebbles and general smoosh are washed away by a good rain.
And then we get small winter heat wave so that water doesn't freeze into ice.
Then, the world will be new.
Until it snows again.

Granted, I've only been to the lobby of my building to see out the front doors, from behind their glass. (My windows are on the side of the building, giving me an angled view of the building next door and the building behind us. All in all, a skewed view.) I was out two days ago before this last storm, and I'll go out again tomorrow... before the next storm hits this weekend.

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